How much does it costs to register a Community Trademark?

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A Community Trademark is valid throughout the European Union. Its request is unique and is extendible to the 28 Member states: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania and Sweden.

The costs for the registration of a Community Trademark either to protect the corporate image or to distinguish goods and services are affordable and are a renewable ten-year investment.

How much does it costs to register a Community Trademark? The process.

The official minimum rate for the registration of a Community trademark is 900€. To this amount must be added the professional fees of the legal representative who advises, performs and monitors the application and registration, which can range between 450€ and 1.500€. In addition to the final cost are involved several factors, such as:

  • In some countries or specific situations, the viability study must be paid. In Protectia, this first examination is free.
  • Community Trademarks might also have a watch service which also implies a cost.

Let’s extend and detail each one of these keys elements, in order to make the most of this exciting investment.

Before starting a Community Trademark registration it is advisable to perform a preliminary investigation, in which is detected the existence of previous records. The location and assessment of these prior rights is vital to avoid, as far as possible, applications which will not succeed. When it comes to Community Trademarks must be contemplated the existents trademarks in the 28 countries. In Protectia this prior assessment is free.

Community Trademarks are the result of an international agreement that facilitate the European trademark’s internationalization in a single right, so economically speaking can be an ideal choice if you are interested in several countries of the Union.

Moreover, trademarks are protected for a concrete activity or product and service. To classify them, is used the Nice International Classification. Each class usually involves an extra cost for the trademark application, however in case of Community Trademarks may be included up to 3 classes at the same cost. This makes Community Trademarks the best choice if you need to use several classes and you are interested in more than one UE country.

Community Trademarks must be associated to a watch service. In Protectia the monitoring service includes all valid trademarks in Spain, in other words, the trademarks which are requested in Spain or as Community Trademarks, is realized after a single payment when the trademark is granted. This service includes the notice of any new identical or similar trademark applications, notice of renewal or any other event about the record throughout its validity. 

Are you interested in the registration of a Community Trademark?

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