Presentation of the new OHIM website

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This week, for our “Patents world” video section we are going to escape a little bit from the main theme of the patents, proposing a video presentation of the new website of the Office for the Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM, in Spanish OAMI).

The aim of this European Office is to protect the Intellectual Property in the UE, and is responsible for the registration of Community Trademarks and designs.

The main novelties:

  • The user comes first, through usability tests where real users can test the website.
  • The insertion of many more images and video to support the information, making easier for the user to understand the content.
  • The new filing tools for filing trademarks.
  • With the new “e-search”, with just one click away it is possible to accede to all information related to Community Trademarks and Registered community design.
  • The new secure user area.

IP protection can be very complex and for this reason OHIM wanted to design a more efficient and clear website, also characterized by a responsive design which make it accessible from every kind of device.
From Protectia Petentes y Marcas we welcome and congratulate the OHIM for the initiative and the effort spent.

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