Patents meet magics: Mark Setteducati

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In our constant will to bring to our public the most interesting, useful and curious patents of invention from all over the world, today we came across with an “unusual” but real interesting field applied to intellectual property: magic.

From the great “Inventors” portrait created by filmmaker and photographer David Friedman, today we propose a short video presenting how patents meet magics through the brilliant Mark Setteducati: magician, artist, magic toys and puzzles inventor.

As we will see in the video, Mark uses principles of mathematics and illusions to invent his puzzles and toys. 


Born in New York City, after graduating from the School of Visual Arts and a period as design teacher, he decided to become a full-time game inventor. The curious thing is that he consider himself more as a magician and artist than inventor, because “[..] most inventors try to improve the word or make improvements on something; for me is more about personal expression. I explore principles and I try to do something that nobody would ever think of [..]”.

One of the amazing magic-toys invented by Mark Setteducati is the JiGazo Puzzle: a 300 pieces puzzle which can be arranged to create any face in the world. Another among the latest creation is HolograFX, a magic set that allows kids to project holograms. Fascinating, isn’t it?

This amazing artist-magician-inventor owns a lot of patents.

We are sure you are curious to discover more about what’s behind the development of magic toys. A few examples:

  • The initial publication withou ISR of PCT patent application for Personalized mosaic puzzle set, where he is one of the invetors. “The invention provides a personalized set of mosaic puzzle source tiles and a method for assembling them in their entirety into a recognizable semblance of almost any user selected target picture such as a person’s face” (from the abstract). 

personalized mosaic puzzle set


magic trick with vanishing effect

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