European Inventor Award 2013

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This week we propose a video, developed by the EPO (European Patent Office), presenting the winners of “European Inventor Award 2013” held in Amsterdam.

This award honours outstanding inventors from all avoer the world for their important contribution to economic, social and technological process.

In order to demonstrate how innovation functions and the relationship between a patent of invention and society, they have been chosen 15 concrete examples, between engineers and scientists nominated in 5 separated categories.

Among other distinguished persons:

  • In the category Research: the French Patrick Couvreur, with his invention of nano-capsules, a revolutionary method which destroy cancer cells without harming healthy tissue.
  • In the category of SME: the Swedish Pål Nyrén, which discovered and patented a new faster way of decoding DNA.
  • In the Lifetime Achievement category: the Swiss Martin Scadt, inventor of LCD technology.

We remind that the next European Inventor Award will take place in Berlin, in 2014. We look forward to discover which new and revolutionary inventions will be awarded.

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