Filing requirements: Spanish trademarks

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Prior to any investment in Spanish trademarks registration is highly recommended an initial viability study.

Spanish trademarks processing:

Filing requirements Spanish trademarks

Spanish trademarks registration can be performed for names, graphics, packaging, labels and logos. Specifically can be registered:

  • Words or combinations of words, including those used to identify individuals.
  • Images, figures, symbols and graphics.
  • Letters, numbers and combinations thereof.
  • Three-dimensional forms including wrappers, packaging and the shape of a product or its presentation.
  • Sounds.
  • Any combination of the signs or means which, with distinctive character, are mentioned in the previous sections.

Once is proved the viability, spanish trademark could be registered. We show below the requirements for processing.

Filing requirements: Spanish trademarks

  • Name and address of the applicant and country of incorporation.
  • Trademark identification.
  • If there is a logo, an electronic reproduction and the corresponding description of the colors.
  • Description of the goods and services (according to the present Nice Classification).
  • POA / authorization condition sine qua none for Spanish trade mark application. Spanish POA acces.
  • If Priority claimed, priority claim and a certified copy of the mark claimed.

Spanish trademarks registration contemplate the goods and services included in the International Trademark Classification, divided into 45 classes; 34 classes of goods and 11 classes of services.

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