The registration of a Trademark in Spain, either to protect the image of a company or to differentiate its products or services, is characterized by affordable costs that mean a ten-year investment, renewable for equal periods.
A trademark is any sign which can be capable of graphic representation, used in the commerce to identify and distinguish the goods and services of a company from the others.
The main costs to register a Trademark
The official minimum rate for the registration of a Trademark in Spain is 118€ if it´s done electronically, and 139€ if is applied on paper. In Protectia we use the telematics way, not only for its lower cost affecting our rates, but also because this way is fully integrated in our management system, aimed to work in an ecologically responsible way with no use of papers.
Our clients also appreciate that all the documentation is handled by email for its lower cost, for being the information easier to manage and more accessible, respectful to the environment and which does not take up any space. Besides, paper is not wasted and no fuel is burned during its transportation.
To the official fees amount must be added the professional fees of the legal representative who advises, performs and monitors the management, which can range between 200€ and 900€. The final costs involve several factors, such as:
Possible secondary costs of trademark registration in Spain
- Sometimes, the viability study must be paid. In Protectia Patentes y Marcas, this first examination is free.
- The number of items of the Nice International Classification required offering adequate protection to goods or services that distinguish the trademark. For example: class 24 [linen] and in class 25 [clothing].
- Community Trademarks might also have a watching service which also implies a cost.
Let’s extend and detail each one of these keys elements, in order to make the most of this exciting investment.
Before starting a Trademark registration, it is advisable to perform a preliminary investigation, in which is detected the existence of previous records. The location and assessment of these prior rights is vital to avoid, as far as possible, applications which will not succeed. In Protectia this investigation is free, as part of our prior assessment to any process. Sometimes, if there are various previous records for the suggested denomination, we realize a deeper investigation which involves a little extra cost in order to evaluate alternatives.
Moreover, trademarks are protected for a concrete activity or product and service. To classify them, is used the Nice International Classification where are all categorized in 45 classes. Each one of these sections involves an extra cost for the trademark application. In Spain, there are multiclass trademarks, that is, in the same application must be included various classes of the Nice Classification, which involves an easier process.
Finally, registered trademarks must be monitored thanks to a watch service which also implies a cost. In Protectia the payment for this service is only one, and is realized after the granting of the trademark together with the title delivery, and lasts for the entire duration of the record. It includes the notice of any new identical or similar trademark applications, notice of renewal or any other event about the record throughout its validity.
Are you interested in the registration of a Trademark in Spain?