One of the driving forces of economic growth is certainly innovation, or in other words, the creation of new technologies which increase productivity.
After offering a summary scheme about trademark registration in Latin America, today we will devote our attention on all necessary procedures for the registration of patents in LATAM.
We continue to focus on this region since it is one of the favorite investment target markets for many Spanish internationalization business projects, thanks to cultural and language proximity.
In fact, according to the Global Innovation Index 2013 (index published annually by WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization), despite the economic crisis, innovation in Latin America remains active and in relatively good condition.

Hoping to be useful information, you can find below a scheme collecting all the procedure for patent registration in LATAM, in each country: from the moment of filing the application until granting of title.
Patent registration in LATAM
Argentina | Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Cuba |
Ecuador | El Salvador | Guatemala | Haiti | Honduras | Mexico | Nicaragua |
Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Puerto Rico | Dominican Republic | Uruguay | Venezuela |
Are you interested in a patent registration in LATAM?
A few aspects that need to be considered about patent registration in Latam:
- Generally, all patents in Latin America remain in force during 20 years counting from the date of filing the application.
- Always advisible to perform a feasibility assessment in order to establish whether the invention is patentable or not: this is a very important preliminary step which allows to detect possible cases of prior rights and of course ensures that the invention meets all the requirements for patentability.
- Finally, is highly recommended to count on the expertise of an IP agency, which will perform such assessment and will give you precious advices during the process.